Monday, May 21, 2012

A Grad Gift for Tyler

As my addiction to Pinterest grows, I have actually started creating some of the great things that I pin. Here is the most recent. A very simple graduation gift. Instead of giving cash in a card, Why not give a money dispenser. Here is how:

You will need:
Kleenex Box

Step One:

Tape the Dollar bills together lengthwise and then roll them up. I left enough space between the bills so that they can be easily cut apart.

Step Two:

Attach one tissue to the end of the roll and then put the roll in the box with only the tissue showing. I put a little sign that said pull when needed. Here is the finished product... By the way, Tyler is a fisherman, so this box was a perfect find...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Post-it Notes

One of my besties made me a Post-it holder for my birthday... I love it so much i decided to make one for a friend... This is my version.

It is super easy to make... just a pretty piece of paper, a plastic frame, a tag, some puffy letters, ribbon and a Post-it pad... Hot glue it all together and VOILA, adorable gift.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tank top re do!
My adorable husband bought me this tank top at an event he attended for his friend who lost his life in the avalanche... Its cute that he thinks I am an xsmall, but since that is not reality and since I didn't want to get rid of something that has meaning, I decided to sew up the bottom and add a bow for a new beach bag.... What do ya think?