Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Before and After

There are wonderful things about living an a cabin with all sorts of character. The down side is obvious in the pictures below. 2 of our 4 bathrooms were already renovated but Katherine's bathroom needed help. We decided to go with the re-glazing technique that they use on HGTV. The cost was $350 as opposed to all new tub and tile approx. $2000. Now you tell me, Money well spent???



Fragrant Fire Starters

This was a gift I made at Christmas. Super easy, here is how I did it...

You will need:
1 Roll of brown craft paper
1 Roll of twine
Broken pieces of pine cone
Pine needles
Fragrant oil
A basket 
Whatever you want to decorate the basket, I used spruce

1. Cut a 12"x 14" piece of brown paper
2. Add pine cone pieces and pine needles and twigs
3. Add a few drops of your favorite smelling oil (or potpourri if you prefer)
4. Tie the ends with twine

I put 5 in each basket... 

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lemon 321 Cake

The best 150 calorie dessert I've ever had... Mmmmmmm

See the 321 Cake recipe below... I used lemon this time! 

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Did I mention my husband is a master in the kitchen??

Homemade Ceviche... I know I really need to use the camera instead of the phone to get some good pictures, but you get it.... Mmmm it is Yummy!!! Since he never uses a recipe for anything, all I can tell you is that he mixed together Tilapia, shrimp, Lime juice, cilantro, tomatoes, onion, garlic and seranno peppers

Friday, March 23, 2012

Salsa Garden

I love the idea of putting seeds in some soil and getting food from it... and yes there are some things I can grow in the mountains... I thought I would start with the main ingredients to my husbands wonderful salsa...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3,2,1 Cake

That's right... All it takes is 3 tbsp of cake mix, 2 tbsp water and 1 minute in the micro... Voila... Top with Cool Whip and maybe some Berries and enjoy a very low cal, low fat dessert! The best part is that the big ziplock is ready when you are. I tried Lemon, it was yummy!

1 box Angel Food Cake Mix
1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor
2 Tbsp Water
Makes 1 serving.

In a ziploc bag, combine the two cake mixes together and mix well. For each individual cake serving, take out 3 Tablespoons of the cake mix combination and mix it with 2 Tablespoons of water in a small microwave-safe container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have your own instant individual little cake!

KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the ziploc bag and use whenever you feel like a treat! You can top each cake with a dollop of fat free whipped topping and/or some fresh fruit.

Helpful Tips:
This recipe is called 3, 2, 1 Cake because all you need to remember is
"3 tablespoons mix, 2 tablespoons water, 1 minute in the microwave!"

TRY various flavors of cake mix like Cherry, red velvet, pineapple, lemon, orange, etc. Just remember that one of the mixes has to be the angel food mix; the other is your choice.
The flavor possibilities are endless!

The best thing is, you open both cake mixes into a gallon storage bag, one that 'zip locks' or 'self-seals', or a container that seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to blend and then make the recipe. Storage of mix is simple, put it on a shelf. No need to refrigerate, since the mix is dry.

Remove from the glass quickly

A lot has happened in a year...

Wow, I guess it's been awhile...

I am now a newlywed...
My son was Drafted by the Baltimore Orioles but decided to stay in College one more year, He is having an amazing season at Azusa Pacific University

My daughter will be graduating with honors in two months and was accepted to her college of choice, California State University Fullerton

...last but not least we rescued a Chihuahua (don't laugh) that somebody abandoned in the canyon leading to our house... Meet Gizzy

I promise I won't stay away so long this time